The iWave Air Purifier Could Lower Your Risk of COVID-19

December 19, 2020

A new virus, named SARS covariant-2, was discovered in late 2019 in Wuhan, China. By March 13, 2020, the virus and the disease it causes was so widespread that it was declared to be a pandemic. As COVID-19 cases surge around the United States, including the Arlington Heights, IL, area, you might be wondering what you can do in order to protect the health of yourself and your family as you shelter in place at home. One helpful solution to consider is the iWave air purifier. Recent studies have shown that improving ventilation and air purification lowers the risk of

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How To Protect Your Family From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

September 20, 2020

You must have heard or read of carbon monoxide poisoning. There is also a good chance that you understand what it is. However, if you are like most American homeowners, there is a probability you don’t know what it is or why it could be dangerous to you and your family. You might have heard of warnings issued about carbon monoxide poisoning, but you still don’t find a reason to worry. There is no specific scale that determines where carbon monoxide poisoning can occur. Therefore, you should be aware of the potential signs that you may be

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