Does My Air Conditioner Needs Maintenance Before Spring?

March 1, 2025

Spring is the most refreshing season of the year. New blooms, green grass, birds chirping, and warmer air. We love the sounds and sights of spring, but it’s important to have your home ready when the temperatures start to rise. Being prepared means ensuring your air conditioner is up to the task of battling the heat outside. With regular maintenance, our technicians will ensure that your HVAC system is ready. You can enjoy springtime without the hassle of a broken-down cooling system or climbing temperatures inside of your house. What’s Considered Maintenance for My Air Conditioner?

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When Should You Upgrade Your Mini-Split System?

March 2, 2024

Mini-split air conditioning systems have become increasingly popular in recent years as an efficient and customizable way to cool and heat homes. Unlike traditional central AC systems, which require ductwork throughout a home, mini-splits use one or more compact indoor units mounted on walls or ceilings that connect to an outdoor condenser. This allows you to tailor cooling to specific rooms rather than the whole home. If you’re considering whether it’s time to upgrade an older mini-split system, IBBOTSON Heating & Air Conditioning Co., a leading HVAC provider serving the Northwest Suburbs, can assist with installation and replacements. Below are some key signs it may

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Why is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

January 17, 2024

Whenever your furnace begins blowing cold air, it can cause anxiety and panic, making you wonder what’s wrong. Some of the problems are simple to resolve yourself or with maintenance while others require proper repair. Consider these seven common reasons your furnace may blow cold air. 1. Your Thermostat’s Fan Setting A thermostat is the major control for your furnace, initiating and terminating heating cycles. However, it also works in conjunction with the control board to control the function of the circulating fan. Most thermostats have two options for the fan setting; On

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Can Pet Dander Impact Indoor Air Quality?

December 14, 2023

Pets can bring joy to an Arlington Heights home. However, pet dander can have a noticeable effect on indoor air quality. Because of its small size, dander stays suspended in the air for a long amount of time and can have a negative impact on health. What Is Pet Dander? Pet dander is the small particles of fur or skin that are shed by dogs, rabbits, cats, and other pets that have feathers or fur. Amphibians and reptiles do not shed dander, so having these types of pets can minimize the chance of allergens being

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How We Install a Ductless Mini-Split

August 9, 2023

If your home lacks the ductwork for a traditional HVAC system, you may benefit from a ductless mini-split. A ductless mini-split is a great choice for cooling your home’s addition, garage, or workshop. For homeowners interested in a zoned air conditioning system, a ductless mini-split offers the capability you need. A ductless mini-split can heat and cool your home all year long. You also will enjoy energy savings. Unlike At IBBOTSON Heating & Air Conditioning Co., our team can recommend and install the right mini-split for your Arlington Heights home. The Installation Process Every ductless mini-split

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AC Sizes: Choose What’s Best for My Home

May 15, 2023

Many people think that air conditioners are easy to shop for, with the choice being efficiency and brand name. However, the biggest difference, even of the same brand, is the size in terms of cooling capacity. Use the following information to help you understand why the cooling capacity is so important and how it’s calculated by professionals like us at IBBOTSON Heating & Air Conditioning Co.. Why AC Size Matters So Much Before looking at how to determine the size unit you need, let’s take a moment to discuss why it’s so important. Some people think they can skimp a little

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6 Ways to Save Money With Routine HVAC Maintenance

April 19, 2023

HVAC systems need routine maintenance to remain in good working order. Nonetheless, many property owners fail to properly maintain their systems. Skimping on HVAC maintenance can harm your system and cost more long-term. Here are the six main ways annual HVAC maintenance saves you money. Reduced Monthly Energy Bills Annual HVAC maintenance helps reduce your energy bills. A poorly maintained HVAC system is less likely to function at its best. For example, if the filters have clogged the internal components of your HVAC equipment can suffer extensive damage. A clogged filter will disrupt airflow into

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5 Tips to Help You Reduce Monthly Heating and Cooling Bills

January 20, 2023

As a homeowner, you rely on your HVAC system to provide heating and cooling inside your home year-round. While you need your HVAC system to stay comfortable, you also want to ensure that you take steps to keep your energy bills in check. Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to balance comfort and energy efficiency. You can also follow a few tips to get the most out of your HVAC system. 1. Service Your HVAC System Often Can you recall the last time you had your HVAC system checked? If not, lack

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5 Ways You Can Make Your Air Conditioner More Efficient

July 15, 2022

When the summer comes around, and the temperature outside starts to rise, the natural inclination is usually to crank up the air conditioning. This is an understandable response, but if you aren’t careful, it can end up costing you quite a bit of extra money. If you lean on the AC to keep your Arlington Heights, IL home comfortable for multiple hours every day, that’s going to add up to a lot of energy usage. And when the monthly electricity bills arrive, it’s probably going to be a tough pill to swallow. However, if you’re proactive about making your air

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Your HVAC System Is Built to Last but Not for a Lifetime

June 20, 2022

It can be said that your HVAC system is one of the most important features in your home. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to stay warm during the freezing winters or cool off when the summer heat rolls through. With that being said, this essential system won’t last forever. Just like any other piece of machinery, its lifespan does run out. What Is the Average Lifespan of an HVAC System? On average, HVAC systems tend to last anywhere from 10 to 20 years. The broad lifespan estimate is due to the fact that there

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